Mission Statement

Still Worthy is a collection of stories that are written to remind survivors that you have the resilience, strength and confidence to continue with your healing journey. As well as a reminder of your worth and that you are not finished with your own story.

Why did I create Still Worthy?

I am a survivor, not a victim, of a sexual assault that almost ended my life. My story is filled with pain, suffering and feelings of worthlessness. I had never felt so alone in my life trying to heal from a pain that was given to me by a stranger. My healing journey is never going to be over but I have grown into a woman of strength, reliance and a woman who knows her worth. I want to create a resource that I was craving during this time. A place where my pain wasn't foreign to others or where the only emotion I got from others when I opened up was pity. Knowing women are out there that share the same pain and know exactly what I'm feeling and healing from would be a support channel that would have encouraged me to keep going in my darkest days. I am not in the part of the healing where my life is threatened by my own hand anymore but I know that there are others out there that need extra love and support to know that healing is possible. I want this place to be the love, support and evidence that our lives are worth fighting for. As I said before my story is filled with pain and suffering but through years of work I am so proud to say it is also filled with growth, passion and resilience. I will not stop speaking on my growth as I thought for far too long that it wasn't possible. I am here as a witness that healing is possible and the stories that I will share will give hope and the reminder that you are Still Worthy