Gratitude Garden

What are you growing in your garden?

I have been obsessed with plants lately. Everyday I make sure my plants are healthy and happy. You can find me every morning with a cup of coffee in my hand admiring their beauty. Weekly I have been adding new plants to my growing collection. It’s something that brings me joy and I’m proud of my collection.

This new hobby also made me think how plants are similar to my own mind, body and soul. What was I planting? How is it affecting me internally everyday? If we say our minds are like a garden then what we say, do, and think affect the health of our “mind garden”. If we fill our minds with hatred, unhappiness and anger then our gardens are going to die. No one was there to tend to the plants and give them what they needed, so they perished. You end up living your life with a garden bearing no fruit or flowers. Everything on the outside becomes more dark and unhappy because it all starts inside your mind garden.

If I start to fill my mind with gratitude, joy and healing then my garden starts to flourish with happy plants that also start to multiply. Therefore how I’m looking at life on the outside entirely changes. The world looks different, healing is possible, forgiveness is freeing, and you have true joy.

Reflect on how you are thinking and what you are filling your mind with. Is your garden growing or dying? What are you saying to yourself and others? Start your day with gratitude and you will end your day with joy. Speak and think life and gratitude even in the hard and the difficult will soon come easier.

I’m not promising that all the bad will just wash away but the good in your life will have a whole new meaning. Start by being grateful for the small things and journal it if that helps you. Speak only positive to yourself and those around you. Soon your world will start looking brighter. Like taking blinders off, the negative won’t be crowding out the positive.

I speak all of this with experience. Believe me, I want you to read these words and have your world change. True joy and freedom are real.

What are you going to be planting in your garden?